Nail Gun and Rivet Gun

From Lostech Wiki
(Redirected from Nail Gun)

Nail Guns and Rivet Guns are industrial equipment for vehicles and 'mechs. They can be turned into weapons in the right circumstances.

Generally, they can be seen in IndustrialMechs.

Game Rules[edit]

In Total Warfare, the Nail/Rivet Gun is listed as being able to do damage to conventional infantry, industrial armor of BAR 5 or less, or combat vehicle/'Mech locations with no armor. 
Strategic Operations says they do 0.5 points in space.
This was later errataed: they deal 1D6 damage.


Of note, this means Nail Guns and Rivet Guns cannot damage armored BattleMechs or Combat Vehicles since they will normally have BAR 10 armor. On the flip side, they can still damage locations with their armor depleted by combat or other factors.

Probable uses[edit]
